Radio Userland
TechDirt asks a good question about Salon Blogs: "There's also a question about what happens if Salon goes out of business. Since they're rumored to only have a few months of cash left, will all those blogs disappear?" Personally, I think the gloom and doom around Salon is overblown. However, because Radio Userland weblog data is stored on user computers, if Salon's Radio Community Server ever disappears, users will be able to choose a different community server and publish their entire weblog ... (
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A few months ago, Salon managing editor Scott Rosenberg praised weblogs as part of a "symbiotic ecosystem" with the mainstream media. He meant it -- this evening, Salon and UserLand Software began offering Salon Blogs, a new server that hosts Radio Userland weblogs for $39.95. Rosenberg also is running his own new weblog, where he plans to promote the best of Salon's new symbiotes. I began the Eat the Press weblog there this evening, which I'll be using to experiment with links related to ... (
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AmphetaDesk, the free RSS reader with an interface that's almost identical to the news aggregator in Radio Userland, has its own XML "Subscribe" button with a pink and white pill icon. I added one here after spotting it on Joshua Kaufman's weblog. When I finish some other work, I'm going to write a macro to add the button to a Radio Userland weblog. ... (
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My request to join the Radio Userland developers mailing list was denied without explanation today. Though I can think of numerous places from which I should be rightfully excluded, this was a surprise. I'm a huge Radio Userland geek, having released two format drivers, a Java OPML servlet, and other scripts. I browse old UserLand projects like the Object Database Engine for fun. I bought my first Macintosh this week (a used PowerMac 7100) solely for the purpose of puttering around the MacBird ... (
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Mikel Maron is working on myRadio, a Radio Userland tool similar to My Yahoo! that can aggregate content other than RSS feeds. "This Tool extends the Radio Userland aggregator from rss to any networked data (xml, html, soap, personalized services, etc), and any layout," he writes. ... (
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I'm getting a lot of experience screwing up my Radio Userland data lately. Here's one tip that's saving me from myself: Whenever you change any of the templates used in your Radio Userland weblog, save the theme of your entire site under a new name (I use "Workbench 20020705", "Workbench 20020714", and so on). This gives you something to fall back on if you hose the templates, make an ill-advised change to the HTML, or commit some other blunder and want a do-over. ... (
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It looks like Salon really is the "famous publication" working a deal with UserLand: The weblogger b!X found the site on Friday. ... (
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Dave Winer wrote Sunday that UserLand is working on a deal with a "famous publication" that entails "hosting thousands of weblogs under a new brand quite soon." I'm guessing Salon. ... (
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Tip: An easier way to drag and drop items in a Radio Userland outline. ... (
read more), a commercial Manila host, has added support for the RSS plug-in for Manila, which generates RSS feeds for a site's discussion group messages, topics of discussion, and individual messages. I'm going to use the feature to integrate Cruel Site of the Day more closely with the site's discussion group. To use the feature: Log in to your Manila weblog at /member/login Make sure RSS syndication is turned on at /admin/sitePrefs/default$syndication Turn on the RSS plug-in at ... (
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