Radio Userland

A Radio Community Server security vulnerability and exploit were posted on NTBugtraq Sunday, as spotted by Ham Journalism. From the report: "This vulnerability makes it possible for an intruder to use the open SOAP or XML-RPC APIs published at to create user accounts and upload random file data to any server running the Radio Community Server as published by UserLand Software Inc. at" ... (read more)Tip: Andy Sylvester, the publisher of the Ruminations weblog, offers a directory of Radio Userland and Manila resources. One of the more interesting categories: new features released after Radio 8.0. ... (read more)I have released a new version of my Radio Userland format driver to display Amazon best-sellers by topic in the news aggregator. The driver now displays Amazon's price for each item. I recently bought a Nintendo GameCube, and since Amazon is doing a lot of experimentation with product prices, I figured any dramatic price drop would show up in the XML feed of GameCube best-sellers. It already spotted a deal: Amazon is selling FIFA 2002 for $19.99, $15 to $30 off its price for other GameCube ... (read more)Brent Simmons has published a list of Frontier and Radio Userland keyboard shortcuts. One I needed this morning on Windows: CTRL-4, which puts a timestamp comment and your initials in an outline (for example "7/7/02; 10:13:00 AM by RC"). ... (read more)Sam Gentile lost his Radio Userland data in a hard drive crash, leaving him with the HTML files associated with his weblog (and his categories) but none of the data in weblogData.root, the database where a weblog is stored in Radio Userland. I'm going to scrape the HTML files for his entries using Java and rebuild weblogData.root, probably by creating an XML version of his entire site as an intermediate step. Does anyone know of any Radio Userland verbs or third-party tools that will post ... (read more)Andy Fragen has written a short Radio Userland script to give weblog entries a title when he doesn't provide one, as described on his weblog yesterday. This feature will only make sense if you have turned item titles on. It's a good short example of how to use callbacks, a way to extend Radio Userland's functionality by putting scripts at designated places in your Radio.root file. For example, every time an item is posted in your weblog, Radio Userland looks for scripts at ... (read more)I ran into a problem in Radio Userland creating categories with colons in their names, such as Workbench: Radio Userland Tips. I have reported the problem in the software's support forum, but in the meantime I appear to have stumbled upon a workaround: Create the category without a colon in the name (such as Radio Userland Tips), click the category's name on the main Radio Userland editing page, then edit the name to include the colon. ... (read more)Radio Userland tip: Jake Savin offers UserTalk code to add a date to the page title for each day's weblog entries. Take a look at yesterday's Workbench to see what it does. ... (read more)Radio Userland tip: To add text to your navigator links column without a hyperlink, leave off the pagename attribute when adding an item, as in the following example: <item name="My Links"/> You can also add a blank line like this: <item name=" "/> I'm using both of these techniques on this weblog. ... (read more)News to me: UserLand Software has a Cafe Press store. After spending days staring at Radio Userland coffee mugs in various shapes and sizes that identify Radio Userland weblogs and RSS feeds, I've been jonesing to buy a real one. ... (read more)