
Web Publishers Take Gamble with Casino Ads

I wrote an article for Wired News today about efforts by the U.S. government to go after web publishers who run gambling ads. One of the biggest losers is Sporting News, the media company owned by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. In January, the company surrendered $4.2 million in revenue to avoid prosecution for advertising gambling sites between 2000 and 2003 in its magazine, as well as on its website and syndicated radio network. Tune in Sporting News Radio today and you'll hear the other ... (read more)


InstaPundit on Alan Colmes

Glenn Reynolds, the publisher of the InstaPundit weblog, was a guest on the Alan Colmes Radio Show last night. The interview, which I've attached as a 17-minute podcast, was to promote his new book An Army of Davids, which has the subtitle "How Markets and Technology Empower Ordinary People to Beat Big Media, Big Government, and Other Goliaths." No knock on Reynolds, whose blog I enjoy in spite of our political differences, but the interview made the book sound like technoutopianism. Since the ... (read more)


Podcasting: You're Soaking In It!

Jewish lesbian shock jock Madge Weinstein kicked my "S" yesterday during a 10-minute rant about Adam Curry's role in podcasting: You gotta realize, and I didn't realize this until I started getting more popular with my podcasts, when people blog ---- -- ----, did I spill my water? no -- when people blog ---- -- I'm resting the microphone on my fat, now. You're going to get mike noise, I'm sorry, and it's going to be all bad. This is bad. You know, it's all bad. When people blog things a lot of ... (read more)


Stuart Smalley: Bush Needs Therapy

Stuart Smalley made his first appearance on Al Franken's radio show Friday, venturing into politics to discuss tabloid rumors that the president has returned to the bottle (attached podcast). I'm surprised it took so long to hear from the caring nurturer, who believes the president should get into an anonymous recovery group, regardless of whether or not he's drinking: Right away. Imagine the stress. There but for the grace of God go I. If I were president, I'd be a complete wreck. I'd be doing ... (read more)


Democratic Response: Thanks from Louisiana

In the weekly Democratic response to the presidential radio address Saturday, Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco thanked the people who reached out to the Gulf after Hurricane Katrina, supporting President Bush's plan to offer "extraordinary" federal support for the region's recovery. "Only the resources of the federal government are adequate to the challenge ahead," she said. The text of her remarks: Good morning. This is Louisiana Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco. I speak for a grateful state ... (read more)


Two Americas, One Bridge

People would go up the bridge every time they lined us up for the buses and the buses wouldn't come. People in groups would go up the bridge trying to go across the river. People who had family across the river couldn't get across the river. They were not letting us out of there. -- Denise Marsh, a Convention Center evacuee interviewed on This American Life (audio attached) For all you people who think we are races in Gretna, please leave your address, we will be glad to bus all the criminals ... (read more)


Barbara Bush's Texas Hospitality

As Presidents Clinton and Bush toured the Astrodome yesterday, an NPR reporter recorded an amazing comment from First Lady Barbara Bush: Almost everyone I've talked to says we're going to move to Houston. ... What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everybody is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this -- this is working very well for them. Indeed. Losing your home, ... (read more)


Never Wrestle with a Pig

One of my friends is looking for archived versions of Rush Limbaugh's show from the years he was abusing Oxycontin. He figures there has to be comedy gold in the shows where Limbaugh was pontificating under the influence. Earlier this week, Limbaugh made a statement about Cindy Sheehan that's so bizarre we should be talking relapse: Cindy Sheehan is just Bill Burkett. Her story is nothing more than forged documents. There's nothing about it that's real, including the mainstream media's glomming ... (read more)


Juan Cole on Alan Colmes

The best thing about the rise of liberal talk radio is the national forum it provides for voices outside of the tired Mort Kondracke-Eleanor Clift-Howard Fineman circle of D.C. insider talking heads. Two recent examples from the Alan Colmes Radio Show were Markos Moulitsas of Daily Kos and last night's guest, Middle East history professor and blogger Juan Cole. I've attached a 23-minute podcast covering Cole's interview, which focused on the July 7 London terror attacks and the possibility the ... (read more)


Liveblogging Talk Radio

A cool thing happened Monday night during the experiment to promote the Alan Colmes Radio Show on the Drudge Retort. As the show broadcasts from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. weekdays, I post live links plugging the next hour. I wanted to see if the site's night owls would tune in and talk about it in real time. On Monday, Colmes interviewed Cindy Sheehan, a mother who began Gold Star Families for Peace after her son died in Iraq. On the Retort, we discussed her desire for an impeachment inquiry, and I ... (read more)
