Radio Userland

I did a little digging into Radio Userland's RSS Rankings report today to figure out what the numbers mean. The count is the number of times a Radio Userland user checked your RSS feed and found one or more new items. If you have five subscribers and you send 10 items during the day, your daily count could be as high as 50, though it's likely to be lower. Some subscribers might not be online to receive all of the items that day, so they only show up when they're actually receiving items from ... (read more)Jon Udell has found an interesting use for Google boxes, the search boxes generated by a Radio Userland macro using Google's XML interface. In a weblog entry about FBI information technology, he presents a sidebar containing the 10 most relevant pages on "FBI stovepipes," a term he uses in the entry. ... (read more)Macrobyte Resources is about to release a new version of Conversant that runs on top of Radio Userland, according to Brian Carnell. He's using the software, a competitor of sorts to Manila, to publish his one-man, 1,000-page site AnimalRights.Net. ... (read more)I'm surprised that no one new is trying out the Python Community Server (PyCS) while UserLand fixes the problems with its Radio hosting servers. All of the Radio Community Server features are supported on PyCS with the exception of a couple of referral and most-read reports, and some additional features are in the works (such as virtual hosting to give Radio weblogs more descriptive domain names). ... (read more)To promote this weblog and the Python Community Server, I bought a $20 ad on Google recently for the search term "Radio Userland": WorkbenchTune your Radio Userland to a newstation: Python Community Here's what I got for my money: 1,631 impressions and 23 clicks (1.41 percent). The click-through rate isn't too terrible, but because of Google's charge of around $12 per 1,000 impressions, I paid a painful 87 cents a click-through. ... (read more)Tip: Using Javascript to keep people out of your Radio Userland weblog. ... (read more)The Python Community Server, the Radio Userland clone used to host this weblog and several others, has been released under an open source license at SourceForge. ... (read more)Will Leshner has released Radio Poster, a Mac application to post items to a Radio Userland weblog. It can save drafts without posting them, send posts to non-Radio Userland weblogs, and create hyperlinks quickly using a glossary of sites. ... (read more) Number of negative reviews of Radio Userland posted today on CNET.Com: 8 Number of negative reviews of Radio Userland posted today on CNET.Com by people who identified themselves: 0I wish I didn't like Radio Userland so there'd be at least one critic willing to go on the record. Sadly, I think it's wonderful software for programmers and non-designers who want to publish a weblog, read RSS newsfeeds, create outlines, and dabble in web services, XML, and XML-RPC. It has its faults -- the user ... (read more)New (to me): How to use Radio Userland as a Python IDE. ... (read more)