
Weblog Returns from Vacation

For the last several years, Rod Kratochwill has been weblogging from Florida in memory of his wife Cynthia, who died in a 2002 car accident in St. Petersburg. He's using his weblog to provide an ongoing account of the grieving process, documenting his present experiences with online support groups and revisiting the past. One of the sites on Weblogs.Com was EuropeTrip, their travelogue of a family vacation to the Czech Republic: Back in the year 2000 Cindy and I got to take a trip to Prague ... (read more)

Keeping PageRank after a Site Move

One concern of Weblogs.Com users is carrying their site's Google PageRank rating to a new server, whether on Buzzword.Com or somewhere else. Using an HTTP viewer, Phil Ringnalda noticed that our redirector was originally sending the HTTP status code 302, "Found," instead of 301, "Moved Permanently," and explained why this is important: ... if you redirect with a 302, search engines will just start requesting both, and quite often indexing both, taking forever for the new one to beat out the old ... (read more)

My Interview was Very Therapeutic

There's a nice writeup of the Weblogs.Com move by Staci D. Kramer on Wired News this morning, which of course alleviates all of my previously voiced concerns about the press. Being interviewed weirds me out, even though I should be familiar with the process after 6.5 years of journalism school (slow learner) and prior employment as an ink-stained wretch. When the reporter called, I was reminded of the advice given a few years ago by Brad DeLong -- choose five major points you want to make and ... (read more)

Now Entering New Frontier

I haven't said much on Workbench about my decision to adopt 3,018 webloggers this week, because, well, I'm pretty busy taking them out for walks, finding boxes for them to sleep in, and cleaning up after the inevitable accidents. Needless to say, there will be more Manila coverage on this site, along with tips on how to use it in conjunction with Radio UserLand and export data to tools like Movable Type and WordPress. To give you an idea of how weird this week has been, the following screen ... (read more)