Planet Urth: Book One by Jennifer and Christopher Martucci is currently free in ebook format on Amazon for the Kindle ereader. The book is the first of five in a series that takes place 200 years in the future, when civilization has fallen and chemical warfare and other toxins have spawned a race of mutants hunting the last humans to extinction:
The world has changed. It's dangerous, deadly. Inhuman creatures rule the planet. Animals have mutated. The land is hostile. But it's all I've ever known. Hunger. Fear. Panic. Those emotions are my reality. They are my every day. I am Avery, and I am seventeen. My father died a year ago. Since then I've been responsible for my eight-year-old sister, June.
I worry we are the only humans left.
Humans have been hunted for centuries, to the brink of extinction. I must fight each day to protect my sister. It is the reason I wake, the reason I breathe. But how long can I go on fighting? How long will it be before they find us?
The novel is 298 pages and the remaining installments are priced at $2.99 or $3.99.
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