California Recall Prediction Contest: Governor

99.6 % ( 15180 of 15235 ) precincts reporting as of Oct 8, 2003 at 12:19 pm


Candidate Votes Pct.
Arnold Schwarzenegger 3,677,005 48.5
Cruz Bustamente 2,415,693 31.9
Tom McClintock 1,010,469 13.4
Peter Camejo and Others ~470,050 6.2

username Bust. Diff. McCl. Diff. Schw. Diff. Others Diff. Total
yhbc 32 0.1 13 0.4 50 1.5 5 1.2 0.8
mr_crash_davis 27.7 4.2 14.5 1.1 49.1 0.6 8.7 2.5 2.1
thatweirdguy2 30 1.9 12 1.4 47 1.5 11 4.8 2.4
escher 32 0.1 15 1.6 43 5.5 9 2.8 2.5
elpapacito 27 4.9 13 0.4 48 0.5 12 5.8 2.9
mrgrimm 35 3.1 13 0.4 43 5.5 9 2.8 2.95
qDot 33 1.1 13 0.4 43 5.5 11 4.8 2.95
ericdano 30 1.9 9 4.4 45 3.5 4 2.2 3
gyc 38 6.1 14 0.6 45 3.5 3 3.2 3.35
adrianhon 35 3.1 8 5.4 47 1.5 10 3.8 3.45
Ptrin 35 3.1 9 4.4 46 2.5 10 3.8 3.45
carter 31.9 0 9.1 4.3 45.5 3 13.5 7.3 3.65
mapalm 30 1.9 18 4.6 43 5.5 9 2.8 3.7
kokogiak 35 3.1 6 7.4 49 0.5 10 3.8 3.7
billsaythis 38 6.1 14 0.6 40 8.5 8 1.8 4.25
BlueTrain 37 5.1 8 5.4 45 3.5 10 3.8 4.45
UKnowForKids 38 6.1 12 1.4 41 7.5 9 2.8 4.45
XQUZYPHYR 28 3.9 8 5.4 41 7.5 8 1.8 4.65
mathowie 36 4.1 11 2.4 41 California · Politics · 2003/10/08 · 0 COMMENTS · Link

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