Mentes Criminales: Pegas Como un Niña Pequeña

One of the benefits of American monolinguilism: Hearing people speak in languages you don't understand is funny.

This Spanish-dubbed scene from Criminal Minds gives the dour FBI profilers a little smoldering Latin heat.


Rogers, no me importa mirar, pero prefiero no participar.

It's funnier when the dubbing is done as poorly as it is here. I recently returned from a trip to Argentina, where I saw a few English-language movies dubbed into Spanish. The dubbing in all of them was done so seamlessly it was hard to find any actor's speeches out of lip-sync.

You also see English-language movies with Spanish subtitles, which is a great way to pick up some Castellano, or improve what you have. They call me lots of names down there (te estoy cargando), but you can call me che.

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