Handshake or No Handshake

NBC's web site offers a Flash version of Deal or No Deal, an odd new game show that pits a player's greed against the arithmetic mean.

I've only caught a few minutes of the show, which aired last week and will be repeated Monday on CNBC, but I may start watching to see Howie Mandel not shake hands with the contestants.

Mandel's a germophobe, writes Mark Evanier:

I think it's weird that NBC has one reality show where the contestants are expected to eat rat --------- but they also have two -- this and Mr. Trump's Apprentice -- where the stars are terrified of germs. You know, Howie and Donald, touching other people is a great way to maintain good, healthy hair. Look at the difference between the scalps of Leno and Letterman.

That's a far cry from Richard Dawson, who used to grout the esophagus of every female contestant on Family Feud.


"...who used to grout the esophagus..."

Fabulous, love the imagery. Well done.

"...who used to grout the esophagus..."
Now there's the Rogers Cadenhead writing I used to love to read back in 1986-1988 in Arlington Texas.

We have had this in Australia for a while. It has been interesting seeing the (mostly) american blogosphere reaction to it. On the Freakonomics blog (freakonomics.com/blog) they were saying how (some) economists are getting excited an seeing it as a way to get data and they were monitoring the first people to write a paper, before someone pointed out since the game show has been in italy and australia for a few years now, there has been a paper released (albeit in italian)

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