Microsoft paid the travel and hotel expenses for five webloggers to attend a product briefing, but only one disclosed this financial arrangement to readers of his weblog, writes Mitch Ratcliffe. Is it time for a weblogging Code of Ethics?


I think it might be.

Those make sense.
Conflict of interest is the hard one to swallow.

But after thinking about Doc Searles (sp?)
experience I have considering bloggings more
journaling than journalism. It's a fine
line, but I personally didn't see that he
crossed the line when noting his speaking
at a particular conference.

I don't want to have to disclaim what
kind of products or platforms I work on
when noting unassociated news or interactions.

Should everyone take the mindset that they're
current company is under the same speculative
eye as those employee's of a public company?

Crap. Gotta get back to my blogger so I can edit all my mistakes. ;-)
conference = event,
unassociated? -- semi or conflict associating

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