Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has become one of Amazon.Com's top 500 reviewers, writing 86 reviews in two years. "Speaker Gingrich is an avid reader," his reviewer bio states. "He does not review all of the books he reads. You will not find any bad reviews here, just the books he thinks you might enjoy."


Every politician should be required to review the books they read at

You certainly get a sense of Gingrich by skimming the reviews of various books he read, much better than you do watching TV ads, reading position papers, or any op-ed that purports to describe him.

There's definitely something humanizing about those reviews, and the fact that he's enough of a nerd to post them regularly. He also put his wedding gift registry online -- as I recall from the 2000 election, Gingrich defended Al Gore's statement about contributing to the development of the Internet, because he was one of the only Congress members at the time who cared.

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