I voted today for Bill McBride in the Florida Democratic primary. McBride, a Tampa lawyer, Vietnam veteran, and political newcomer, originally trailed Janet Reno by more than 25 percent in polls.

In recent weeks McBride has been embraced by the state's Democratic bigwigs and endorsed by most of its major newspapers, largely out of a belief that he has a better chance against Gov. Bush.

Though "electability" is a poor reason to choose a candidate, there are no strong political differences between McBride and Reno, who turned their recent debate into a mutual admiration society, and Jeb Bush has been running an astonishing number of TV ads attacking McBride, lending further credence to the idea that his chances are better in November.


Hah. I voted for Bill McBride, too. Though I'm thinking that it's mighty suspicious neither of them has chosen a running mate. The mutual-admiration society makes me think that whoever gets nominated, the other will be their running mate. I dunno.

I would be surprised if Reno was willing to be McBride's running mate. If she loses the primary, I expect that to be her last try for public office.

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