On Monday, Sun Microsystems will offer the LX50, an Internet server that runs Linux instead of Solaris. The server, priced at around $2,800, is intended to compete with low-end Linux servers that have cut into Sun's sales. Times are tough: Declining Unix sales cut Sun's revenue from $18.25 billion in 2001 to $12.49 billion in 2002, John Markoff writes in the New York Times.

Incidentally, the lead of Markoff's article is incorrect. Sun has been offering Linux-based server appliances such as the Qube since it bought Cobalt in September 2000.


I have been running Linux servers from sun for a long time.. Cobalts are excellent machines.

Markoff is closer to the truth. I wouldn't consider Cobalts as having come from Sun.

Calling the LX50 Sun's first computer running the Linux operating system isn't close to the truth at all -- Sun has been in the Linux hardware business for two years, and that experience is undoubtedly reflected in the LX50 and other product. Markoff went for the big lead graf -- "Sun's first Linux computer!" -- at the expense of the less flashy truth.

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