One of my guilty pleasures is poll taking (my mom is similarly afflicted and cannot get through a mall without being dragged off to answer questions on new potato chips and other pressing matters of commerce). For years, I've been answering questions for various Harris Poll Online surveys, and one I took today ranks as my all-time favorite.

For unknown reasons, I've been asked my opinion on the sexiest U.S. city (Denver), what makes it sexy (all the athletic women in hiking shoes), the least sexy city (Detroit), what makes it that way (pollution and Flint), the season in which I am most likely to have sex (Spring), and these questions:

  • How likely are you to have sex during next month's July 4th weekend?
  • If you had the choice, which of the following would you rather do on July 4th this year -- have sex or watch fireworks?
  • To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Personal lubricants enhance sexual experiences for couples.

I'm not providing my answer to the last three questions, because I'd like to save a few things for my tell-all memoir.


How about "are you gonna have sex while watching fireworks?"


How about "Are you gonna have fireworks while ...."?

How about "Will your sex ignite fireworks?" and if, not "Shouldn't you try harder ?" (pun intended).

Scott's right... (and stole my thought, drat!) "Will sex be so hot as to ignite fireworks?"

I'm just glad the question didn't make me choose between sex and watching the Stanley Cup.

Your 2 reasons for rating Detroit as the least sexy city don't add up. Flint is a city unto itself. What does it have to do with Detroit other they are both located in the same state?

Pollution in Detroit? Where? Have you ever lived in Detroit? Maybe the downriver area has some but it is certainly not a problem like it is in other cities.

Your choices just don't make sense.

I didn't say they were good reasons, Joe. When I think of Detroit I think of Flint, since both are auto-industry towns in Michigan, and Flint is one of the armpits of America. I would've said the same thing about Cleveland, but I've been there, and it's a lot nicer than its reputation.

I had to choose a city from a list of around 15, and it came down to either Detroit (never been there) or Jacksonville (live near it). If I could choose any city in the U.S., I would've picked Peoria. I have first-hand experience about what a dreary place that is.

Besides, I'm a Dallas Stars fan. If I see a chance to malign Hockeytown, I'm going to be sorely tempted to take it.

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