From the Netcraft server usage report, the number of servers running UserLand software:
UserLand's numbers in this report would be a lot higher if Manila or the Radio Community Server supported virtual hosting. Netcraft counts each second-level domain as its own machine -- when Register.Com and Network Solutions moved the front-end of their domain parking servers from Apache to Microsoft IIS last month, the IIS total jumped by two million.
Manila supports virtual hosting just fine; it's Netcraft that isn't doing the right thing, assuming that all different second-level domains are different machines. It would only have to resolve 'em back to their IP addresses...
Netcraft's decision to count domains instead of IP addresses is strange, but at this point for comparative purposes they're probably stuck with it. I wasn't aware that Manila supported virtual hosts, but I probably should have recognized that's the only way for all the different EditThisPage domains to lead to the right site.
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