I wrote a Java servlet to serve instant outlines in a web browser using Internet Explorer 6's built-in XML rendering engine and an OPML XSLT transformation written by Joshua Allen.

No software is required on your end other than Internet Explorer 6.

To use the servlet:


Replace URL with the address of the instant outline you want to view, which can be figured out by looking at the OPML coffee mug URLs on different Radio Userland sites.

Some instant outlines you can view:

At this time, the servlet doesn't support links from one outline to another (I don't think it's possible in XML) and is having trouble dealing with accented e's and presumably other unusual characters.


I'm using mozilla 0.9.9 (1.0 being ust around the corner), and I found this link
on Bill Seitz weblog

which manages to display an outline even in mozilla with expandable and collapsable nodes.
Maybe the way this example works would be an even better way to present opml files in a browser? [or just maybe it depends a lot on Java Script - I haven't dissected it yet].
In short: I was blown away that it just works, which is always A Nice Thing.

Best Regards,

Hi, the servlet isn't actually working at this time. (10/10/2003)

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