Threads: Follow Your Friends and Never See Them Again

My take on Threads is a lot like Amit Gawande's:

Threads reminded me of why I eventually fell off the Twitter timeline. It's the same people talking about the same stuff they always do. The early adopters, the famous bloggers and podcasters. The social media celebrities. They have a bubble of their own. They talk amongst themselves as you listen. You are not part of any community -- you are watching a show.

Then there are the posts that are written mainly to go viral. The memes. The questions. The jokes. And the jokers. The social media diarrhea.

These threads (pun unintended) garner the most engagement, which makes the algorithmic timeline bubble them to the top. Now, these are all I see. And I don't enjoy either of them.

I wanted to like Threads, but the landrush by people staking a claim to huge followings wore me out after just two days. Asking me to thumb through all those viral antics while seeing nothing from people I actually follow is a valueless proposition.

Gawande found a better community on I did the same on Mastodon.

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