For what it's worth, I have not sold any UserLand stock, and remain its largest shareholder and a member of its board of directors. I've read, on the web, otherwise. Not so.
In my item about UserLand Software's decline, I didn't claim that Winer sold any stock.
My understanding is that Winer owns majority interest in UserLand Software Inc., the California company founded in 1988 that created Frontier, Manila, Radio UserLand and Weblogs.Com. He brought in outside management in 2002 and two years later transferred several assets -- including UserLand Software, UserLand.Com, Radio UserLand and Manila -- to a new corporate entity.
That entity is Radio UserLand Corporation, a Delaware company incorporated in February 2004 that's controlled by Scott Shuda. For the past several years, every time I had UserLand-related matters I dealt with Shuda.
I don't know what UserLand Software Inc. does today, but the California Secretary of State's Office lists its status as suspended. The office also reports that UserLand's registered agent -- who was attorney Jack Russo back in 2004 -- resigned on Aug. 3, 2006.
According to Delaware corporate records, Radio UserLand Corp. is still active.
I wrote that you "sold majority interest in the products and company name to a new corporation in 2004," which is different than selling interest in the company itself.
You already know the answer to that question. If there's a point you want to make with this Socratic dialogue, get with it already. All My Children starts in 11 minutes.
So, do you think Ryan and Greenlee are going to get back together? ;)
Where have you been? Greenlee has been off AMC for ages. Ryan's new interest is Annie. By an odd (not by Soap standards) twist of fate, Annie's daughter, Emma, is actually Ryan's daughter as well. I smell love.
Of course if Greenlee decided to ever come back, I'm sure Ryan would be torn. :)
Greenlee's too good for Ryan. He faked his own death in a motorcycle accident to get away from her.
Perhaps we're getting sidetracked.
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