Election Prognosticators Expect Dem House, Tied Senate

The Drudge Retort's election prediction contest received 51 entries. Leaving out two impossible entries (the Senate will not end up with 0 or 227 Democrats), here's the collective prediction:

Average House prediction: 228.92 Democrats and independents

Average Senate: 50.53 Democrats and independents

Predicting a Democratic House: 44 of 49 entrants

Predicting a Democratic Senate: 24 of 49 entrants

Average prediction for Katherine Harris: 33.78 percent


The Dems won the House.

They may win the Senate! This is amazing. There will be a recount in Va. as the race is so close!

Very exciting!

Webb is up by 3,000 votes in the Senate. A recount is coming..

Webb is up by 3,000 votes in the Senate. A recount is coming..

Guess it will be a while before the contest winner is decided :)

I do not think the Democrats themselves thougth they would win the Senate. I am not sure that Hillary is actually happy about it. Here is why:

Will America elect a Democrat in 2008 and give Congress, the Senate and the Presidency to one party again? I do not think so. If I am right then Hillary really doesn't have a chance.

Why on earth did they expect a tie in the Senate?

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