Running an Online Community's Better in Moderation

Robert Sayre has joined my comment moderation crusade:

I try not to delete comments, really. But I don't feel sorry folks who've taken the time to write something like "What the ---- are you talking about?" and left it at that. That sort of thing will be deleted.

A regular part of my life lately has been catching hell from Drudge Retort members who don't like the site's moderation policy, which has shifted over the years from non-existent to lax to capricious to hardass. I feel like it had to evolve to deal with a community that has grown to 4,200 members; others make a good case that I'm a censorious fascist douchebag who'd be more at home in North Korea.

A shirtless redneck philosopher on YouTube filmed a 10-minute video scolding members of that site for believing their First Amendment rights are being infringed when their videos are deleted.

I don't know who this guy is, but he's mastered the parental trick of the lingering, judgmental stare that makes you see the error of your ways. As one person commented, "you lookin into the camera made me feel guilty and I havn't even done anything wrong."


Your moderation is excellent. There are a lot of nut cases trying to push distored agendas complete deviod of realities and those who personally attack others. Keep up the good work and thanks for all your hard effort

I agree with Harrier

This guy Zen Archer is a zen master of common sense, and his delivery is masterful as well, in the Mark Twain tradition. I think I've met him, somewhere. Haven't we all?

Them must be some mighty good squeezin's in that mug. I think Zen Archer is a comic genius.

Remarks from a drunken rambling idiot! Gotta be from Tennessee!

aahhahahahhahah....You didn't make the moderation policy......

I DID....

Is Zen Archer naked?


"Is Zen Archer nekkid?"

He looks more high than drunk, really

"Our slogan is: you can talk when you need!Thare is no problem what we can not



The good people of Tennessee do like their Whisky....

Ames Tiedeman

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