Doctors Diagnose Booker T. Washington

Booker T. Washington did not die of syphillis, according to a review of medical records from his death in 1915.

Washington's records show that his blood pressure was 225 over 145, nearly double the 120 over 80 that is considered normal.

The records also show that a blood test ruled out syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease that was widespread at the time and thought to be a particular problem among black people ...

The 91-year-old inquest was conducted for this year's Historical Clinicopathological Conference, a yearly event where doctors get together and play House with a famous person of the past who had a clinically interesting demise.


The article seems to imply that the correct diagnosis was known at the time but just not clearly recorded. It is a shame that the diagnosis of syphillis has lasted this long.

Booker T and the VD?

Nice call, albeit a little late.

This is wot these cats get up to fer fun?


Wow, just, wow.

Ever considered just getting together and playing Uno or sommat?

That's fun too.

Be Well.

wow and he was only 59 years old. thats young. poor booker t washington. just because of his blood pressure. thats must be hard on his family. dont you guys think?

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