Damon Wayans Makes His Mark

New York Daily News columnist Stanley Crouch blasts Damon Wayans' attempt to trademark the word "N---a" for a clothing line and other uses, a story I covered for Wired News:

He wants to put it on apparel and whatnot. So far, he has not been successful but one can imagine young American kids wearing that word emblazoned on clothes and listening to rap "songs" in which the N-word frequently appears, in conjunction with "bitches" and "hos," among other denigrations.

Of course, there is a defense. One Hollywood Negro said that "Damon is no fool. He might be pulling a Brer Rabbit move that would mean that he would take control of the word and make everyone pay to use it."

I responded rappers and others would merely put the cost in the budget.

An interesting discussion of the issue is taking place on the black entertainment site ConcreteLoop, where some fans are also hoping Wayans did it for non-commercial reasons:

we throw that word around like crazy. including me. it is a part of our lingo. no matter the coast or geographic location we use n---a scandolously. this may be a ploy to have us take a very close look at ourselves.


That was LOL funny reading Stanley Grouch complain about Damon Wayons' attempt to COPYRIGHT "nigga." I mean, come on -- what's the point of writing about something if you're not even going to do a cursory examination of the facts surrounding what you're writing about?

The whole column is pointless since it rests on Grouch's complete misunderstanding of what Wayans is trying to do.

I plan to boycott everything associated with Damon Wayans.

I think the word nigga should be a trademark , i use the word myself and im white and so are a lot of my friends but were not racist . Its a good word and only means black in porteguese. The more people use the word the less people will be offended. Look up some lenny bruce material and you will know what i mean !!!

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