Reports of Euthanasia in New Orleans

The international press is reporting today that some doctors in New Orleans overdosed critically ill patients with morphine during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, believing they couldn't make it out alive during a hospital evacuation.

A doctor, whose identity was protected by the paper, explained the decision:

We divided patients into three categories: those who were traumatised but medically fit enough to survive, those who needed urgent care, and the dying. People would find it impossible to understand the situation. I had to make life-or-death decisions in a split second. It came down to giving people the basic human right to die with dignity.

The only source named in the article, William "Forest" McQueen, was mentioned earlier in other British accounts as the husband of a British woman. From the way he's described in various articles, he appears to have been working for power companies clearing downed electric lines north of Lake Pontchartrain.


very sad, but understandable given the situation.

They only had so much they could get done, and obviously you are going to focus on the people who have a chance for survival. It's just another triage situation.

That was murder.
You will have to live with that.

Question anything coming from the BBC. Until sources are identified I will withhold opinion as this certainly can't be taken as fact. And apparently there is only *one* source. Back it up with fact.

just another inhumane circumstance fostered by the neglect of american government.

to the inbred mongoloid that questions the veracity of the BBC, please go back to FOX and get yourself off on the "no spin" zone, with the rest of the sheep. don't pollute the sites of reality-based thinking.

1) Since when is AU english.

2) The BCC report had nothing to due with Euthanasia.

3) Why would a " utility manager for the town of Abita Springs" be talking to the relatives of tha patients?

4) If they knew what McQueen had said to the relatives either the doctor (you bet)was there when McQueen told everyone that the old folks had "been put down (!!)" or they reporter was there or they talked to a relative (but didn't bother get a reaction).

Is it just me or does this smell of "I heard if from...who heard it from...etc"?

BTW, if McQueen does exist he should be working for a vet.

"Those who had no chance of making it were given a lot of morphine and lain down in a dark place to die"

The article seems like a fabrication. It's not a physician's job to decide if he is comfortable or not with a patient's suffering, regardless of the degree or that it's up to him to judge when enough is enough for anyone. Since when is AU english.

That Australian paper picked up the story from a British paper.

Where does it say that? Also the BS meter is still registering full on this one.

The Daily Telegraph is a tabloid owned by News Corporation. They also own FOXnews.

I know that. But I still haven't found out what nor read what British Newspaper this came from.

Sun? News Of The Day? Canterbury Gazette? Radioi Times?

Original Source........

Fox News had its own reporter relating this story who spoke as if she also had interviewed some of the parties involved. Since then Fox has gotten very quiet.

My take is that this story is an urban legend in the making.

Why wouldn't/couldn't this be a genuine 'story'?

Who did believe Bush's story about the nuclear weapons of mass distruction?

I believe this until proven otherwise.

I didn't say it "couldn't" be a real story. I merely pointed out a variety of aspects of it that led me to seriously question whether it is a real story. Given what I know as a physician and the questionable aspects of the story as published, I consider it quite unwise to believe this story until there is corroborating evidence from a more reliable source.

this whole thing can be a hoax. however, there were many reports stating that there were 40-45 patients found dead in the hospital. why would there be any patients in there when everyone was ordered to evacuate?

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A horrible situation to be in but the doctor did the right thing given the circumstances. It was actually smart to kill those who have a less chance of survival in order to saves those who might still live.

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