The elderly Pablo Picasso had an affair with a 45-years-younger woman who had once interviewed him for a school newspaper. Her recollection of the relationship reads like a surreal romance novel:
The affair began when she was visiting the 70-year-old Picasso at his studio in May 1951, when he was living with Francoise Gilot, the mother of two of his children. A thunderstorm approached. "I said I was going to go home," she said. "At that moment, it was like a fairytale. The room grew dark, and through the skylight I saw a sky like I had never seen before, except in the Congo during tropical storms. He told me, 'Wait a little while, there is going to be a storm' ... I have no memory of what happened next."
Did they have date-rape drugs in 1951?
Laudanum? Absynthe?
Good evening, Mr. Quagmire. Glass of wine and the usual "Rufee-colada" for your date?
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