I love this exchange between an audience member and Christopher Hitchens:
Female audience member: Excuse me. I'm not usually awkward at all but I'm sitting here and we're asked not to smoke. And I don't like being in a room where smoking is going on.
Christopher Hitchens (smoking heavily): Well, you don't have to stay, do you darling. I'm working here and I'm your guest. OK. This is what I like.
Ian Katz (Guardian interviewer): Would you just stub that one out?
Hitchens: No. I cleared it with the festival a long time ago. They let me do it. If anyone doesn't like it they can kiss my ass.
(Woman walks out)
Christopher Hitchens is a true iconoclast. Thanks for this and the above post about the 1999 outing of Mark Felt by highschool student. (I found your site via a Mark Felt google). I'm going to bookmark your site.
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