Best Buy: Customers Wreak Havoc

In a comment on Workbench, Jon Dobson describes a series of miserable experiences shopping at Best Buy and another retail chain:

I never had high expectations for either organization; however, after they lied to me (and yes I mean lied to me) I finally decided that I should find another place to spend my money.

The Wall Street Journal reported last week on a plan by Best Buy to drive off 20 percent of its customers, who the company CEO describes as "devils":

The devils are its worst customers. They buy products, apply for rebates, return the purchases, then buy them back at returned-merchandise discounts. They load up on "loss leaders," severely discounted merchandise designed to boost store traffic, then flip the goods at a profit on eBay. They slap down rock-bottom price quotes from Web sites and demand that Best Buy make good on its lowest-price pledge. "They can wreak enormous economic havoc," says [CEO Brad] Anderson.

Best Buy's the same company that embraced the concept of the door stormtrooper, chasing down and illegally detaining customers who refuse to show a receipt as they exit, a procedure that's supposed to be voluntary.

I'm amazed they still have any customers left to alienate.


I bought my first pc from best buy back in Feb of 99. Having upto $5k to spend on it, I had stated that I wanted top of the line no matter the cost. One week later, Pentium 3 arrived at best buy, leaving me with not-so top of the line and $3400 less in the bank account. Not once did they say that newer was on the horizon less than 7 days away. I do however thank best buy now, because of them i tore apart my new pc i bought figured out how they work and have owned my own computer business since jan of 2000. Go Figure?

Geek Squad.... ha. Should be more like Ripoff Squad!

I find it interesting that so many people have a bad experience and then try to translate it into an absolute event. I assume you married your childhood sweetheart from kindergarten since your approach would have ended any relationships after a failure or two. Likewise, I am sure you never had a remotely unfair grade during your academic career since that would have stopped your education. "Door stormtrooper"... cute phrase. The ones I usually see are hardly stormtroopers, but you keep your fantasy. What are you worried the person will see on your receipt?

Rational people who shop and end up dissatisfied eventually learn to educate themselves prior to subsequent shopping experiences. It is also called maturity and judgment, two hallmarks of adulthood.

So, educate yourself or take your business elsewhere. Online sites, mom and pop stores and the other national chains are eagerly awaiting your business. Play the odds though and have some Tums ready.


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