Convention Bloggers Pick Up Speed

After a slow start, the webloggers at the Democratic National Convention have managed to produce more good material this week than I have time to read.

Some scattered finds:

John Kerry solicited Ron Reagan's speech about embryonic stem-cell research, telling him that he would reverse Bush policy and allow federal funding.

A bad idea: Scanning in your convention credential.

A nice photo of youngest delegate Sarah Bender, taken by one of the college journalists from the wireless group moblog Newsplex.

At BOPNews, Stirling Newberry has been offering some of the best-produced and most interesting audioblog commentaries. That's not much of a compliment, given the rough quality of most weblog audio, but his response to Barack Obama's speech sounds like something you'd hear on NPR.

After sitting down with Sean Hannity at the Fleet Center, Matt Stoller asks a good question: Why would the Democrats invite the Republican machine into the building?

Without credit, Matt Drudge ran Tom Tomorrow's photo of Bill O'Reilly and Michael Moore that was flopped and edited to hide its origins.

Suggestions for the next group to implement a special-event aggregator like ConventionBloggers.Com: There ought to be a search engine, schedule of upcoming events, and past schedule with permalinks to speech transcripts and multimedia.

Webloggers and people reading them with services like Technorati need unique URLs to material they're commenting on (such as a link to this Obama speech video and transcript).

Media liaisons working for the convention ought to be churning out an index of links to everything they'd like these overwhelmed webloggers to see during the event.


How can someone is not old enough to vote become a delegate? Just curious.

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