Linux crowned king of weblogging

In a column about quitting his British Computer Shopper column on Linux in disgust with his editors, Charlie Stross makes an interesting claim:

Linux is the pre-eminent platform for weblogging tools, with everything from Slashcode to Livejournal by way of Blogger running atop it.

I've been thinking about writing a Java Matters column for Linux Magazine on the premise that Linux is underrepresented in weblogging. I'm probably biased by my use of Radio on Windows XP and exposure to great RSS aggregators for Windows and Mac OS, but I wouldn't give Linux the edge.

Linux does more than I thought -- LiveJournal runs on Apache with Linux servers and Slashcode and Moveable Type are implemented in Perl, making them a natural for that operating system. However, Blogger's platform agnostic, Radio/Manila are primarily Windows and Mac tools, and I've yet to find a well-regarded news aggregator for Linux other than AmphetaDesk. Where's the pre-eminence?


PyDS (Georg B's Radio clone) runs on Linux and has an aggregator...

I think he means the server environment. What do server OS do blogger weblogs publish to?

Oh, and Straw (Python, Gnome2) seems well regarded.

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