Drudge work pays extremely well

Media interest in Matt Drudge appears to be perking up in time for the 2004 primaries, because I've started getting interview requests again due to the Drudge Retort, which hasn't happened since the impeachment debacle.

I recently talked to Richard Pachter for a Miami Herald article on the obscene amount of money Drudge is raking in:

According to the rates posted on www.intermarkets.net, advertisers are charged $3 per thousand impressions for banner ads, or $4,400 a day (discounted to $29,000 a week). ...

After Intermarkets takes its commission, the ad revenue is almost pure profit for Drudge, who says he shares a percentage of his profits with [copublisher Andrew] Breitbart. The overhead is minimal: $4,000 a month for Web-server costs plus about $20 a month for Internet service.

The only number that surprises me is $20/month. Drudge sounds like more of a hoarder than a spender, according to Pachter, but I think he can probably afford a broadband Internet subscription.


The only number that surprises me is $20/month. Drudge sounds like more of a hoarder than a spender, according to Pachter, but I think he can probably afford a broadband Internet subscription.


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