New Jacksonville weblog by emergency doc

Newly discovered Jacksonville weblog: De Doc's Doings by Dr. William Ernoehazy, an emergency physician whose past experience includes work on the Space Shuttle emergency preparedness program.

Ernoehazy's also a science-fiction fan -- the program for a 2002 convention calls him "an internist and medical researcher who has assisted many authors in getting the bloody bits right." He also publishes a LiveJournal.


*blinks* Why, hello there, and thank you for the ping!

I suppose, since you've done me the courtesy of a mini-bio --nicely done!-- I should do you the courtesy of a small correction...

I am Bill Ernoehazy Jr. My dad is also an MD (retired specialist in forensic medicine and pathology).

Not that he blogs, or even owns a computer; but hey. One never knows. *g*

Once again, thank you for the trackback/ping!

Thanks for the correction -- I'll update the item. As a Jr. myself, you'd think I would've noticed that. Are any of the biographical details I mentioned about your dad instead of you?

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