The name that shall remain nameless

According to Online Journalism Review, the name of Kobe Bryant's accuser is currently the most-searched-for term on Lycos:

Lycos reports that searches relating to the case are 15 times more popular than any other topic online. In fact, the name of the accuser would be the No. 1 most searched term if Lycos actually counted those (it won't publish her name either).


Earlier it was quite easy to find the information given the seemingly vague tidbits the media had passed along. Now her name is nearly advertised as you pointed out previously.

Given the lack of privacy for those who are not seeking publicity (such as those included in pictures of the girl, or those mistaken for the girl), parents need to think through what schools and organizations publish about their children. That's one thing I've learned from this case.

Keep us informed--your take on this case is more enjoyable than the other outlets!

The Christian Science Monitor has an op-ed (evidently reprinted from arguing that reporting the name of the accuser is just as important as reporting the name of the accused.

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