RSS 2.0 under new ownership

Dave Winer has transferred the copyright of the RSS 2.0 specification to Harvard's Berkman Center and formed an advisory board with Brent Simmons and Jon Udell to maintain the spec, promote the format, and chart its future development.

As someone who has been working on a new RSS 2.0 spec at SSF-DEV, I'm glad to see it moving to a community development model. There are a lot of implementors and users who are eager to participate, as evidenced by the 39 people who have joined SSF-DEV in the last month.


We will see wether it really is a community development model. For now it's just the transfer of control from a company to a three-guy-group. Not much difference, only the name changed. Mind you, I actually don't care for wether it's owned by Userland or Berkman or Santa Claus. It's just that I am missing the community aspect of the community model ;-)

I guess I should have said "towards a community development model," because it's a step in that direction.

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