Radio database is gettin' busy

I'm working on a UserTalk script that restores Radio weblogs from their HTML Web pages. It's not ready for prime time -- I have to run it locally and tweak the code on a per-weblog basis -- but at some point I am hoping to release it for general use.

One problem I'm running into is a "busy database" issue with the new database where weblog data is being stored. If the script halts with an error during execution, I can't access that database again without restarting Radio. Is there any way in UserTalk to get a database out of that busy state?


Irony of ironies, I was just reading this post yesterday and then I come home to find that my hard drive has crashed, and may not be recoverable. So I'm probably going to have to try to restore it somehow.

I *think* I had nightly backups turned on. Is there any way for me to tell now? Does it back up to the webserver or to your local drive?

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