I'm a huge fan of one of these shows, The Jamie Kennedy Experiment on WB Network, and it's nothing like the characterization in the story.
Most of his pranks are harmless -- in one memorable bit, he pretended to be a Las Vegas resort swimming pool lifeguard, ordered everyone out "because it was time for his bathroom break," then got in the empty pool and pretended to pee. In another, he played an Austin, Texas, tour guide who rerouted a busload of tourists to the hotel where his wife was meeting his best friend regularly for a nooner.
It's worth reading the ABC News piece to see how much the reporter downplays the most relevant fact: Everyone who is the target of these pranks must sign a contract agreeing to let it be televised, which makes them a willing participant in their "victimization."
Not to be overly nitpicking but if JKX is such a favorite of yours, how come you don't know that it broadcasts on the WB Network? ;)
Weird. Tivo finds that show for me, so my ignorance hasn't prevented me from watching. Thanks for the correction.
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