Close encounter with Adam Sandler's wife

Twenty-first century etiquette question: Is there a point at which the resolution of your shared digital photos is too high? I couldn't get any closer to Adam Sandler's bride without violating the sanctity of their union. (Via Oliver Willis).


The pitbull certainly has an actionable beef.

Dear adam sandler I would like to call myself your number one fan because I think you are a hhhotty and because I have most of your movies. I here that this summer you are making a movie called click I saw a clip of it so anay way I wish I could meet you one day and we could be best friends aney way I heve to live your number one fan brittney polcaro and I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

i love u adam!!!!!!!!!!! u're soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.... frickin' hilarious!!!!! and ur hot to!!!! from ur number one fans amanda & cassie!!!!!

ya in no last time i was on this site and left a comment i spelled almost every word on there wrong well sorry hey adam i still call myself your #1 fan and always will well love ya HOLLA!!!

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