Harry Potter and the Instant Gratification

Midnight madness:
  • 12:00 a.m.: Harry Potter at the St. Augustine Barnes & Noble: 300 people waiting for their turn to buy the book, which was only being sold to customers who pre-ordered a copy. We were invited to pay now and get a copy "sometime next week."
  • 12:10 a.m.: Harry Potter at the St. Augustine Wal-Mart: Nobody standing around a large pallet of books.


I'm really glad we didn't go last night. We planned on doing so but had not pre-ordered. Instead we fell asleep and will pick up our copy today. Glad someone was on their toes for the tip because today several bookstores we visited still were only honoring pre-orders.

Ah, WalMart, the Killing Fields of American Retail Commerce... I wouldn't be surprised if a local pressure group had sabotaged the efforts to distribute that piece of pro-witchcraft propaganda. Seriously, here in L.A., the Ralph's (Kroger) supermarkets are not only selling Harry for 40% off, but they're throwing in a free six-pack of Coke and a bag of Chips Ahoy. But then, buying junk food with a Harry Potter book is like buying a printer with a computer, right? Also, at 11AM today I witnessed a rather frazzled FedEx guy with an armful of Potter-sized packages in his hands talking to an upset-looking woman in her '30s who apparently hadn't gotten her love letter from amazon.com. I kinda wish I'd seen FedEx guy when he first arrived in the neighborhood so I could count how many of the 1.3 million pre-sales were shipped to my block... which shows just how pathetic I can get.

I'm just glad I managed to scare up a copy on Saturday morning with the rest of the herd. Anything I can do to help a single mother trying to make ends meet.

Good shopping Rog!

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