UserLand: The next weblogging buyout?

Roland Tanglao writes in a comment to Workbench, "Too bad UserLand doesn't seem to have the money to hire one developer for each platform (Frontier, Manila and Radio) and the right number of support people, because if they did there's no way MovableType or anybody else could keep up with them."

After Google bought Pyra and Moveable Type's developers secured venture financing, UserLand Software is the last chance for an outside company to buy their way into overnight credibility in weblog publishing.

Lately, I've been expecting to fire up Scripting News and learn that Microsoft, Adobe, or Apple purchased the company as part of an aggressive push to get into the space. Microsoft certainly has at least one employee who knows what UserLand has to offer.


I hope you are right and UserLand is bought by somebody with money to hire the right number of people.

Manila, Frontier and Radio are awesome products that deserve to be funded.

If UserLand doesn't get funded, in the long run the future for Radio, Manila and Frontier doesn't look good methinks!

Call me an optimist but I think this will have a happy ending!

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