My body is overly simplistic

My old home page turned up in a homework assignment as an example of bad Web page design. According to Michael Mariani, a student at Elgin Community College in Illinois:

This site has no navigational feature's. The body is centered on the page and is overly simplistic. There is no footer.


Funny. How does it feel to be the subject of community college criticism? I cringe thinking about what they would think of my old work. Kind of like those pictures your family whips out of you from 20 years ago when important company is around.

If nothing else, you can always count as a bad example ;-)

I love the idea of being used and abused in an academic setting. Makes me pine for the days when all I had to do was watch soaps, attend the occasional class at the University of North Texas, and complete make-busy work like this good or bad Web pages assignment. Apparently, the guy's teacher was big on navigation menus.


I find it encouraging to know that a site like yours had to go through some tweaking and experimentation to be as slick as it is today :)

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