Microsoft professional is certifiable

Computer consultant Bill Jeansonne has written a venomous letter to CNET in response to a column by Linux advocate Bruce Perens. I'm fighting the temptation to quote the whole thing, because it's such a classic bile-filled tirade:

This ridiculous movement is nothing but a vain socialist attempt to marginalize the software industry. Moreover, it has been rather unpleasant to watch you and others over the past three years develop the single largest false advertising campaign in the history of commerce, knowing all along that it was pure chicanery. That is, touting that Linux is free when in fact all commercial (i.e. useable) versions are not.

Google finds more letters to the editor written by Jeansonne, a Microsoft Certified Professional and author of Microsoft Certification Careers: Earn More Money, and all of them sound like the surly TV announcer in Airplane! who declared, "I say let them crash!":

  • On Jesse Berst: "It's obvious you are either from the Liberal camp or a sympathizer to Clinton's political thugs in the White House."
  • On Microsoft bashers: "Microsoft beats its competition simply because of price/performance. Nothing else. Nada. No matter what these paranoid, socialist minded anti-Microsoft types think."
  • On Passport: "Mr. Mettler will never acknowledge the truth behind his spin on Windows XP. He probably learned the power of spin from his fearless leader Mr. Bill Clinton and he sidekick, hee-haw, in-bred, trailer park trash friend Mr. James Carville (who gives Cajuns a bad name)."


Wow, all this time, I've been lied to! Hoodwinked! Thinking I was saving money using Linux all these years, even basing a significant portion of my monetary livelihood on it, only to find out that it's actually COST me so mu... wait, I never have paid any money for Linux. Including the commercial versions.

What a troll.

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