MacBird wasn't built in a day

I'm trying to build MacBird, a process that's deterred considerably by my lack of Mac programming experience.

Because UserLand's last release was built with CodeWarrior Pro 4, I've been using a Discover Programming edition of CodeWarrior 4 -- the closest I could find on eBay -- but it appears to lack the Power PC Linker specified as a build target.

I'm guessing I need to upgrade to get more linkers, but until I know for sure, I don't want to spend more on this project than I already have.


Just for fun, because I have a current Codewarrior, I downloaded the MacBird sources and attempted to build it. It actually got a lot closer to building than I'd have expected given its age, but it was also quite clear that it would take a not-inconsiderable amount of work to bring it up to date.

It's disappointing, because I think MacBird's goals are laudable, but if you wish to rewrite MacBird to be cross-platform, may I humbly suggest taking a look at to do it in? The good news is that the framework is already cross-platform and has good support for XML; the bad news is that you really would need to buy a copy of Codewarrior Pro 8 to build it.

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