This war is well-connected

In a discussion on SportsShooter, embedded journalist Jack Gruber continues to offer more insight into the technical and personal challenges of filing news reports from Iraq.

I'm experiencing shock and awe at the connectivity he's able to achieve in the middle of Iraq during a war:

The Bgan works like a champ. If you are using a Mac and OS X you will have zero problems. It is a java thing and you just launch the browser and the URL and you are set up. Quick and painless. This thing is a dream come true. Bring extra USB cord or ethernet cords for which ever you choose to link with. Haven't tried the Bluetooth on the Mac and the Bgan yet. I just use the ethernet hookup. Make sure you have long length say maybe 25 feet so you can set the Bgan outside somewhere and able to get inside a vehicle or track to work. I have a Bgan and a 12 inch Mac in one smale case with all the cords and chargers. It is compact and easy to throw in a corner of the track and open it up and edit on the run if needed. Thuraya phones do send out GPS signal and I have heard they are being rethought about media using them. At this time no one has said a thing to me about it but I am out in the middle of nowhere and the Iraqis no just where we are already proven by the mortar rounds landing everywhere around us. It is no secret where I am.

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