I'm experiencing shock and awe at the connectivity he's able to achieve in the middle of Iraq during a war:
The Bgan works like a champ. If you are using a Mac and OS X you will have zero problems. It is a java thing and you just launch the browser and the URL and you are set up. Quick and painless. This thing is a dream come true. Bring extra USB cord or ethernet cords for which ever you choose to link with. Haven't tried the Bluetooth on the Mac and the Bgan yet. I just use the ethernet hookup. Make sure you have long length say maybe 25 feet so you can set the Bgan outside somewhere and able to get inside a vehicle or track to work. I have a Bgan and a 12 inch Mac in one smale case with all the cords and chargers. It is compact and easy to throw in a corner of the track and open it up and edit on the run if needed. Thuraya phones do send out GPS signal and I have heard they are being rethought about media using them. At this time no one has said a thing to me about it but I am out in the middle of nowhere and the Iraqis no just where we are already proven by the mortar rounds landing everywhere around us. It is no secret where I am.
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