The mozilla team has really hit their stride, just in the past couple months, they've fixed a handful of bugs that made my favorite browser even better. And if a good idea pops up in one browser (like the google toolbar in windows IE only), the sheer size of the community makes development of those features in mozilla rather speedy and complete.
I am all for supporting Mozilla.
In particular I would like to use it as RadioUserland's default browser. Last time I looked there seemed to be still no fully functional WYSIWYG feature?
I'm sure it's not exactly what you want, but if you are looking for a WYSIWYG editor, Mozilla's Composer has a whole lot more to offer than the Radio's IE ?wysiwyg? input box. Once you have your post set-up in Composer's WYSIWYG view you can quickly move to source view and do a simple copy/paste to Radio's DWHP and you are set to go.
Try it, you might like it.
I am using RadioUserland and Mozilla/Composite on win98, which uses Mozilla's Composer nicely(for Mozilla 1.0.2/1.1) giving a straightforward save option to the Radio post, thus facilitating the copy/paste body part.
I would like to be able to do likewise on OSX 10.1.4/10.2.4 but I am running into all kinds of problems,such as setting Mozilla as default browser in OSX, configuring Mozilla as default in RadioUserland, system.verbs.builtins.webBrowser.openUrl error.
Help would be most welcome.
system.verbs.builtins.webBrowser.openUrl...Boy do I remember that "bug". It had me pulling my hair out during the Radio beta. I raised the issue over and over again. I think that UserLand gave up on it because they felt it had something to do with Mozilla.
But it is funny, I tried to reduplicate the issue this morning and could not. I went down the Radio Menu and I was able to open every menu item without the dreaded message. I am running Mozilla 1.3b on Mac OS X 10.2.4 Build 6132.
Care to tell me more about your default browser issue? I will be glad to help you if I can.
The issue seems to concern older versions of Mozilla (1.0.2).When running Mozilla 1.3b on OSX 10.1.4 and 10.2.4 there is no problem?Thanks
Mine eyes have seen the glory, but monsieur, mon oeil is not so good. Pixels count. Time will tell.
I was On the Road to Damascus, when suddenly...
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