Last month, there was a nice scrum on Workbench about James Lileks tastelessly foretelling an early death for Michael Moore.
There's a lot more on this subject on the strange I Don't Hate James Lileks weblog and Michael Finley's bitter retelling of his long-time acquaintanceship with Lileks. Finley, who first met him 15 years ago, writes:
I can recall columns [by Lileks] that I would compare to Twain in terms of verbal comic gifts. Or Wilde with his shivery turns of thought. Nowadays I think Robert Benchley is a better point of reference -- the know-it-all who really knows it all, except the mysteries of his immediate skin-encapsulated self. ...
He's an interesting, probably compulsive, insightful, smart guy. But maybe not an especially good one.
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