A spam I received this morning:

"Hello, let me introduce my website www.carder.org. My site is one of the best known in the world. On my site you can buy stolen credit cards of American, European, Australian, and Asian people. Also, for money we can search social security numbers, give stolen/hacked Paypal accounts, ebay accounts, bank accounts, and many other items. Also we have links to people who sell various drugs. Also our services include custom-made fake passports, novelty ID's, and cloned credit cards. There are also many pages of how to use these items to make the most profits for you. Credit reports for any USA citizen can be bought, along with dumps (magnetic stripe infoz from CC's) and hacking tools. These are the best in the world and we offer the best prices for our buyers!"


who was he sender of that email
i mean what was the email writeted on from mail: @

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