Phillip Pearson runs down the early history of Radio Userland using cached UserLand pages from the Internet Archive, answering a question that's probably on the mind of many current users: Why the name Radio?

I was a heavy user of Radio Userland's original MP3 queueing and playback features, broadcasting a Live365 station and using it to randomly cycle through my CDs. I may be digging out Music.root again to turn my copy of RU into a radio station -- I bought a U.S. Robotics SoundLink at a doorbuster sale last Friday in Dallas and can use it to wirelessly broadcast music from a PC to a stereo system.


Music.root will no longer work. The playlist suite has been removed from the Radio.root.

That's odd -- I fired it up not long ago and it was working. Do you know how recent the removal was?


I must be wrong but I thought it relied on the suites.pike table that's been removed or at least no longer used.

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