Day 11: Responding to User Input
Notes and Corrections
Source Files
Reader Questions
- Question: Is there a way of differentiating between the buttons on
a mouseClicked() event?
Answer: You can, using a feature of mouse events that isn't covered in
the book -- primarily because right and middle mouse buttons are platform
specific features that aren't available on all systems where Java programs
All mouse events send a MouseEvent object to
their event-handling methods. Call the getModifiers() method of the
object to receive an integer value that indicates which mouse button
generated the event.
Check the value against three class variables. It equals
MouseEvent.BUTTON1_MASK if the left button was clicked,
MouseEvent.BUTTON2_MASK if the middle button was clicked, and
MouseEvent.BUTTON3_MASK if the right button was clicked. See
MouseTest.java and
MouseTest.class for an example
that implements this.
For more information, see the documentation for the
MouseEvent class, which is part of the online
Java 2 SDK 1.3
class library documentation.