
Sportus interruptus

Sportus interruptus: Three miles from the finish, the leader in the men's marathon was knocked to the ground by a spectator and was subsequently passed by two runners. The attacker has attempted similar stunts at other events to promote his apocalyptic religious books. ... (read more)

Famous anus

Famous anus:: In sports world medical news reminiscent of George Brett's hemorrhoidal issue during the 1980 World Series, an exhausted Jason Giambi is being tested for entamoeba histolytica, a parasite that embeds itself in the intestinal lining and can cause fatal illness. ... (read more)

Blame Canada

Blame Canada: Calling the conflict in Iraq the "stupidest war ever," Toronto Blue Jays player Carlos Delgado has been avoiding "God Bless America" during games. ... (read more)

Why bullfighting sucks

Why bullfighting sucks: "When I first came to Spain I had this idea that bull fighting was this sort of 'traditional' sport where once a year or so they would kill a bull or two and that it was okay," writes the American weblogger Russell Beattie. "But it's not like that at all." ... (read more)