
Native2ascii handles Java's character flaws

Recently, I was struggling in a Java programming project with a huge XML file that was supposed to be in UTF-8 format but contained some non-UTF-8 characters. This prevented it from being parsed by XOM, an open-source XML processing library that militantly rejects non-well-formed XML. One of the things that helped me solve the problem was Kris Wehner's excellent weblog post on dealing with badly encoded character data using Java. His first suggestion is to use native2ascii, one of the ... (read more)

Apache developers start weblog community

A weblog community has been launched for members of the Apache Software Foundation. Planet Apache is organized through syndication, presenting an aggregated view of weblogs published by Apache developers. It currently includes Sam Ruby, James Strachan, Stefano Mazzocchi, and several dozen others. ... (read more)

James Gosling on Moore's law

Java inventor James Gosling is using before/after photographs of himself to illustrate Moore's Law, comparing the PDP-8/I mainframe he used for satellite programming in 1969 to a Java smart-card ID from the present: I find it amazing that the hot machine [of 1969], capable of doing all sorts of interesting things with satellite telelemetry (including making high resolution photographs, which was a neat trick with only 8K!), has less horsepower than the cheap piece of disposable plastic [of ... (read more)

Logging stack traces with Log4J

The Dining.Name Web application uses Log4J, Apache's logging library for Java, to log the behavior of classes that import XML data into a MySQL database. Log4J is a simple class library -- the basics take no more than a half-hour to learn, as I described in a Linux Magazine article in 2002. It supports four levels of logging and external configuration. Right now, I'm building Dining.Name at debug level and getting verbose output. When I'm confident that it works, I'll change it to fatal level ... (read more)

Programming project is eating my lunch

I've been maintaining Radio silence this week because of a project to republish the Chef Moz restaurant database as Dining.Name, a dynamic Web site created with Java and Perl and served with MySQL and PHP. I started the project with two goals in mind: Getting more experience developing real-world Web applications and promoting Chef Moz, a corner of the Open Directory Project devoted to restaurant listings and reviews. Chef Moz offers its entire database under an open license, but no one appears ... (read more)

Sun to offer alpha builds of Java 1.5

Sun Microsystems is taking applications for an alpha test of Java 2 version 1.5 and has pushed up the beta release date in early 2004, according to JavaLobby founder Rick Ross: I am assured by the J2SE Steering Committee that every possible step is being taken to accelerate the delivery of J2SE 1.5 builds and get them into your hands for feedback and testing, but it just cannot happen until sometime in early December at the earliest. ... (read more)

Geronimo can take a flying leap

I know it's a bike shed discussion, but I couldn't resist entering the logo contest for the Apache Geronimo J2EE application server. For reasons unknown, the project is steering clear of using the historical Geronimo, so I used the expression "geronimo!" for inspiration and found a picture of a flying squirrel in mid-leap. More entries can be found on the geronimo-dev mailing list. ... (read more)

Regular expressions are beautifully ugly

For several years, I've been unable to find a suitable Web server log statistics program for this server, which hosts several dozen virtual domains for myself and a few friends and relatives. The commercial options such as WebTrends and Wusage cost more than I want to pay for a server-wide solution. The open-source and free-beer programs I have found are either skimpy on stats or can't handle sites that get millions of hits a year. I've decided to write my own program in Java, a project I'm ... (read more)

Java can GOTO hell

In the Java Specialists newsletter, Heinz Kabutz and Carl Smotricz have devised a way to write BASIC programs in Java with a series of case statements for line numbering, a GotoException, and horrendous formatting: Carl told me that it was possible to program GOTO in Java. Naturally I was curious, so I asked Carl to give me an example. ... What makes me scared is that the code runs and actually works. ... (read more)

Java coders have lost their POJO

In an interview about Java programming, author Bruce Tate uses a term several times without explanation: POJO. The same acronym is popular on the Apache Geronimo developer's list, so I looked for a definition. It stands for "plain old Java objects," simple classes that are implemented as an alternative to Enterprise Java Beans and other complex methodologies. It appears to have been coined by Martin Fowler in the book Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture: The alternative is to use ... (read more)