Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina: 'Do Not Call 911'

LiveJournal business manager Mark Kraft is gathering information for Gulf Coast residents bracing for Hurricane Katrina, collecting reports from several LiveJournal diarists who are fleeing or preparing to ride out the storm. Kraft passes along a grim prediction from meteorologist Jeff Masters: I put the odds of New Orleans getting its levees breached and the city submerged at about 70 percent. This scenario, which has been discussed extensively in literature I have read, could result in a ... (read more)In January, the PBS series Nova broadcast a 12-minute segment that illustrates the nightmare scenario of a major hurricane hitting New Orleans: 50,000 dead, one million homeless, and a new lake where New Orleans used to be. By my estimation, the water level would be high enough after a levee overflow to put this Bourbon Street webcam underwater -- even though it's 20 feet off the ground. Sven Latham found more New Orleans bloggers in a latitude/longitude search of Blogwise, including one who ... (read more)

Bloggers Run From Hurricane Katrina

Looking around New Orleans with GeoURL, I've yet to find a blogger sticking around for Hurricane Katrina. New Orleans TV station WWL is in 24-hour hurricane news mode, which is incredibly unnerving to experience, as I learned in Palm Coast, Florida, during Hurricane Floyd. A direct hit of a category 4 storm would cause Old Testament flooding in New Orleans, which averages eight feet below sea level and survives only because of levees. Residents have lived for years in dread of a storm that ... (read more)