El Prodigio de Rafael Palmeiro

A commenter on SportsFilter echoes the sentiment of a lot of baseball fans, describing Rafael Palmeiro as "very good for a long time, but never great."

There are two reasons Palmeiro's Hall of Fame credentials should be absolutely beyond question.

Most consecutive 100-RBI, 35-home run seasons in Major League history:

Jimmie Fox 9
Rafael Palmeiro 9

Players with at least 3,000 hits and 500 home runs:

Hank Aaron 755 3,771
Willie Mays 660 3,283
Rafael Palmeiro 566 3,001
Eddie Murray 504 3,255

Palmeiro's a humble player and boring interview, but these numbers speak for themselves. The suggestion by Skip Bayless that he doesn't belong in the Hall should forever disqualify him from the practice of sportswriting.


Yeah, Rafi's the man. I'd hate to think the Hall reluctance was about the Viagra ads. I have to admit it was the first thing I thought of when I saw his name and the quote you ran:

"very good for a long time, but never great."

Or maybe that's Cialis ...

Rogers, you're such a commie pinko for posting this! You friggin' liberals disgust me!

I would agree with Bayless. He's never been a franchise player. He'll go into the hall, because numbers talk, but year in, year out, he's usually not even an allstar.


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